Energy Efficiency - Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can be a smart addition to your home in Brisbane, providing both comfort and cost savings. Here’s how they can help:

  • Energy Efficiency: Ceiling fans consume significantly less energy compared to air conditioning systems. According to, for every degree higher you set your air conditioning, you save 10% on running costs. Ceiling fans are a more economical choice for maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.
  • Natural Cooling: Ceiling fans create a gentle breeze that helps circulate air throughout the room. This natural airflow cools your skin through evaporative cooling, making you feel more comfortable without drastically lowering the room temperature. Unlike air conditioners, which cool the entire space, fans focus on the occupants directly.
  • Complementary Use with Air Conditioning: If you have air conditioning, using ceiling fans in conjunction with it can lead to substantial savings. Fans allow you to raise the thermostat setting while still feeling cool. As a result, your air conditioner runs less frequently, reducing overall energy consumption.
  • Cost-Effective Operation: Ceiling fans operate at a fraction of the cost of air conditioning. They typically use a similar amount of power as a 60-watt light bulb, making them incredibly efficient. Running a ceiling fan can cost as little as 1 cent per hour.
  • Complementary Use with Air Conditioning: If you have air conditioning, using ceiling fans in conjunction with it can lead to substantial savings. Fans allow you to raise the thermostat setting while still feeling cool. As a result, your air conditioner runs less frequently, reducing overall energy consumption.
  • Choose the Right Direction: In summer, set your ceiling fan to rotate counterclockwise (when looking up) to create a cooling breeze. In winter, reverse the direction to clockwise to gently circulate warm air trapped near the ceiling.

Remember to choose energy-efficient ceiling fans and position them strategically in rooms where you spend the most time. With proper use, ceiling fans can keep you comfortable while reducing your energy bills!